Monday 31 August 2009

A weekend of period dramas...

Goodness me, it's nearly the end of my three-day weekend and I have spent the majority of it watching period dramas.
On Saturday I watched the romp-fest know as The Tutors. I dip in and out of the show but I can't help myself. It is just funny.
And Saturday night I went to a tractor pull so not very period-drama-esque but I loved it. Really good event.
Sunday was spent indulging in 1995 Pride and Prejudice. I found myself absolutely smitten by Mr Darcy again. He is just so noble and loyal and true, and I just love him. Yea he is a bit proud but he works on the by the end of the story and we can like him again. Rich? Well I firmly believe that Elizabeth Bennett does not love him because he is rich although many a critic has suggested otherwise. Whatever, I say to that. She loves him because of his good heart and the way he looks after his family and estate, and because he is just a really good person.
Right, Sunday night watched the first part of Wuthering Heights on ITV and I actually liked Heathcliffe! How random is that? Well I didn't like him but I was slightly sympathetic towards him which has never happened before. Maybe this is Twilight wrecking havoc with my sensibilities or maybe this interpretation has made the viewer more understanding towards him. Watch this space to see if my affection continues.
And Monday, after a bit of driving test studying, watching North and South again. *sighs* I'm getting the old butterflies with John Thornton. Yea he and Margaret have a Darcy/Elizabeth relationship but there is something about him that is so un-Darcy-like. Maybe the way he aspires from the beginning to change his character so Margaret accepts him but in the end he doesn't have to change at all as it is Margaret who has gone through the transition of character. Thonton is proud but in a good way, proud as in he takes pride in his work and his family. Plus he just loves Margaret so much and wants to be with her and it is lovely.
Oh bless me and these dramas.
More Wuthering Heights tonight before reality strikes on the work-front tomorrow. Yuck.