Tuesday 6 October 2009

Lily's Revenge

Lily's revenge
With a husband in Brussels, parents that are busy playing bridge and being after 10pm at night, I really need a rant and since I can't speak to anyone this is the next best thing.So I was getting ready to snuggle up in bed with my Sarah Water's book when I noticed a large wet spot. Yes, my cat peed on my bed. I am not happy about this. Everything is wet and of course the sheets went in the washer right away. So it wouldn't normally be a problem because we have another room but because we only moved part of the house last weekend we don't have a duvet or spare sheets so I am stuck sleeping on a leather couch. I don't find leather couches good for sleeping because they are too cold and I hate waking up and feeling the cold leather.I think Lily is traumatised from moving and that's why she weed all over my bed. Plus Chris isn't here so she feels more on edge. In fact she is meowing constantly at the moment and doing my head in a bit.Why am I stuck in a flat with a crazy cat that wees in my bed while my husband is at the freakin' Hilton in Brussels sleeping in some nice bed and having cocktails? Oh and my alarm goes off at 6.45 tomorrow so it's not like I get to relax at all tomorrow cause it is deadline day.And I got my period today so I'm really, super happy at the moment. NOT! In fact if anyone messes with me at the moment I may rip their head off. And if this post is full of spelling mistakes and grammatical errors I really don't care because well I'm just ticked off at the moment and need to have a rant!8 out of 10 cats is just not that funny years after things have happened. It doesn't work.Brett Favre ticks me off. How dare he play well against the Packers. Grrrr!