Wednesday 18 March 2009

A few thoughts on 24 - SPOILERS

Right after my more recent sad blog, I wanted to share a few thoughts I had on what is only the BEST show on television - 24.



When the show first started back in the day, it was on Friday nights. Now I was in college and being too cool for school or whatever I couldn't watch it. I also knew I would be immediately addicted to said show. So my senior year when my friend Rich said he watched it I decided to take him up on his offer of watching over it his place. Now that was half way through season 2. Nuclear bombs were going off and it was just crazyness! But I was hooked.

In fact so hooked when my boyfriend (now husband) came all the way from England to visit me in Denver in 2004 I made him watch it cause I couldn't miss it. He had never seen it before and being the nice person he is, he watched it with me. Now how many of us have a partner that would travel like 7,000 miles and watch a television show they have never seen. Bless me, I'm lucky. Well said husband is now hooked too. He started watching it in 2005 from season 1. I think it took him all of a day to watch it even though he knew the big Nina plot twist.

In my humble 24 opinion season 3 was the best, best, best! When Jack Bauer killed Ryan Chapelle I was totally shocked he actually did it. I mean Jack Bauer has saved America and the rest of the world like a billion times but that was far and away the biggest moment in 24 history. Holy crap! And then season 5 when poor Edgar died at CTU, I cried and cried and cried and was seriously depressed the day after I saw it. I still can't think about it without saying, 'poor Edgar.' (Ask Chris.) And I didn't really think Tony Almeida was dead so when he came back I was like, well duh!

So I know 24 is pretty much u-rah-rah America right-wing propaganda but I love it. If Jack Bauer ran for President I would so vote for him. I didn't vote for President Obama in the last election because of President Palmer just so you know. Oh and when it was cancelled/postponed last season I felt serious withdraw symptoms. And when the final series ends, I will probably feel like I lost a little bit of my personal happiness.

One final word on Kim - dude, she has been kidnapped how many times? I still think she will be kidnapped again before the show ends forever. Wasn't convinced about her turning against Jack but there you go.

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