Sunday 29 March 2009

Reading and writing and the rest of the Twilight series

I haven't blogged in quite a bit mostly because I haven't had much to write about of any consequence. I am finding this lack of ability in writing is making itself prevalent in my creative writing as well. In February I started doing some more creative writing and I got on a bit of a roll with it but then March hit and I just didn't feel the urge to write. I wasn't inspired to create characters, stories or much of anything else. I think this may have been because my work-life became suddenly chaotic and I couldn't find any kind of creative outlet to deal with frustration without being miserable and pessimistic.

That being said I have done a heck of a lot of reading. In the past when I have felt lost with writing reading seems to help me find some kind of creative spark. Maybe I draw on other writer's genius but it helps and spurs me forward. For example Elizabeth Gaskell and her long drawn out Victorian writing has been particularly helpful for me. Now a lot of people find her novels incredibly dull and long-winded, which is not surprising if you have read her work. But I think I love the long, analytical descriptions of everything.

So that is a snap-shot into my writing process. It's coming along, my latest venture, but I will not say anything more on that subject at this moment.

Now on to Twilight. Well I finished Breaking Dawn. Yes I read all four books in less than a month and was gripped pretty much throughout the series proving I do indeed have a reading-comprehension level above a 12-year-old even though I my natural maturity may be little more than a 14-year-old's. So Breaking Dawn, I enjoyed it but I still don't think I loved it. I loved seeing Bella and Edward get married and I liked seeing that side of their life together but when she got pregnant and all, I suddenly didn't care as much about the characters because I couldn't associate with them. Now does that make me immature? I'm not a mom and am not really feeling much of a desire to be one at the moment. I wonder if my own issues with motherhood prevented me from loving the novel and feeling a connection with the characters. Bella didn't want to be a mom but than she totally loved it. I didn't get that.

I wanted more a fight at the end. I wanted to see Bella take on the Volturi and be the strong and amazing vampire woman that she became by the end of the novel. I feel like the Volturi came on the scene way to fast. In fact if I was Stephanie Meyer I would have divided Breaking Dawn into at least two books and not just three parts. And I would have made all the Volturi stuff into its own novel because they have been prevalent from the beginning and I felt some how gypped that I didn't get to see the final battle.

And Jake, aw bless him. I almost found myself crushing on him more than Edward by the end of the novel. Now I will say Edward is my number 1 crush hands down but there was that conflict for me. I just found Jake's character really noble and honourable. I appreciated the way he said 'no' to his family and went with the Cullens. There was something exciting in that for me.

Finally Edward, dear Edward. I do love him almost the way I love Mr Darcy, Mr Rochester and some of the other great literary heroes (if you can love a 17-year-old vampire the way you can love a literary masterpiece hero). I love just how much he loves Edward although sometimes he seemed a bit over protective of her but I love he romanced her and surprised and was just there for her no matter what. II still want to know his character better. I've decided to read Midnight Sun when I know about my job future. It will serve as either commiserations or celebrations.

Still watching 24, it's ace and Tony Almeida better not die. And my dinner is ready so I am signing off.

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